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Writer's pictureBernard Alvarez

Your Inherent Psychic Ability - Medium Tracey Lockwood on TJBS

Do you tend to shrug off déjà vu experiences, or consider instances of your spot-on intuition as just coincidences? Do you ignore the unusual things you experience or take a deeper look? A large majority of us have enhanced psychic abilities in some shape or form.

Sometimes psychic people are thought of as evil or into black magic. This is simply not true. We all have some sort of psychic behavior, but many of us don't know how to recognize the symptoms, ignore them or just haven't discovered them yet. It's only a matter of time before psychic abilities start to show.

- How do you know if you're psychic? - What can you look for to tell? -How can you develop it?

The renowned Psychic Medium, Tracey Lockwood returns to The justBernard Show to share some personal insights and strategies for those who may be having "psychic symptoms".




Tracey will be appearing LIVE with Bernard and other great teachers at The Luminary Ladies of the Blue Ridge Oct. 1, 2016. SEE:

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