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Production Form and Info for Bernard's Guests

Thank you for your interest in being a guest on The Grove. Bernard has over 250,000 followers on Facebook and almost 50,000 subscribers on YouTube. Your message has the potential to reach a very large audience. (so, PLEASE read this in it's entirety.)

The Grove is focused on teaching our viewers something in the realm of consciousness, magick, metaphysics and personal empowerment. 


All guests will be expected to educate and/or inspire our viewers on one of the following: self empowerment, meditation, spiritual techniques, magickal or shamanic practice, an overview of an ancient culture, or human consciousness​ for an approximately 15 minute segment. (A short talk on some key points of your topic)

Your segment will be 15 minutes long and is recorded VIA Zoom. 

Segment outline is:

  • Introduction from Bernard

  • Your talk on the subject matter (10 min. or less)

  • Bernard will ask you to share promotional links and information.

Your show will broadcast at 4PM that same day.

(You are welcomed to join in at that time and chat LIVE with the viewers.)

This form must be filled out in its entirety. This better allows us to thoroughly prepare and produce a successful and professional presentation for our viewers.

If information is not submitted at least seven days prior to your show date, your appearance will be canceled and rescheduled for a later date. 


- All guest segments are recorded on Tuesdays at 3PM Eastern US time VIA Zoom.

- You or your PR person will receive the Zoom link one week before your scheduled show.

- Please make sure you are prepared about 10 min. before showtime. Check your sound and camera settings, appearance, background noise, etc.

- Please use a quality headset or professional microphone and not your camera mic. (if you do not have one you will not be able to be on the show.) 

- Do not have external audio playing loudly during the broadcast as it creates an echo effect.


- A Facebook event page will be created once we receive this form completed and the FB Event page will be sent to you or your publicist.

- Form must be returned completed IN FULL no later than one week prior to your scheduled show.

- Your show will air at 4PM Eastern Time USA on:
Facebook LIVE, YouTube,


*Please remember that the episodes are copyrighted and cannot be edited in any way. Bernard Alvarez reserves the right to use all or portions of your appearance for commercial purposes in perpetuity.

NOTE: Media kit can be emailed to

Thanks for submitting!

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