What To Bring To A Protest, Rally, Occupation or Rebellion
Here are some tips on what to bring / wear and how to prepare for a protest that has the potential to escalate to a rebellion. Although you determine how you are going to participate, in high tension situations another person's actions can make that choice for you. You must be responsible for one another and the message of the action. So however you decided to participate (in protest or rebellion) be clear, prepared and with folks that share that choice. (feel free to add tips, hotlines, etc.) Essentials: ID water (as much as you can carry. this is for you and your friends to drink, for irrigating eyes and wounds, for cooling off. it's worth its weight--bring lots) several pairs of vinyl gloves (protect against blood AND pepper spray, latex works but is a common allergen) change &/or card for telephone call paper, pen, duct tape, marker legal aid # written in permanent marker on both arms Handkerchief Ear plugs cheap watch, paper, pen for accurate documentation of events, police brutality, injuries Bring small first aid kit but leave anything that can be viewed as a weapon (scissors, blades etc) If your group chooses Non-violent guidelines (click here for an example
Arrestable's Essentials: (if there is a mass sweep you may be arrested)
Check out this website for legal aid info: legal aid set up and a contact that is not participating that can hold bail, has your emergency contact info etc. your inhaler, epipen, insulin or other medication if you require several days of your prescription medication and doctor's note in case of arrest menstrual pads, if needed. Avoid using tampons--if you're arrested you may not have a chance to change it (tampons left in more than six hours increase your risk of developing toxic shock syndrome) Once under arrest avoid violence. Join an affinity group. Abide by guidelines. leave illegal things home.
What to wear comfortable, protective shoes that you can run in clothing which covers most of your skin to protect from sun and pepper spray exposure shatter-resistant eye protection ie: sunglasses, swim goggles, or gas mask a cap or hat to protect you from the sun and from chemical weapon leave valuables and jewelry at home. Pass off your cellphone to your support/ non arrestable friend before you get arrested. Preparing for and/or aiding wounds caused by police weaponry: wound care supplies (Band-aids, steri-strips, 2x2 & 4x4 bandages, 1st aid tape, Bactroban or other antiseptic) ace bandage chemical weapons decontamination supplies (3 small bottles of canola oil, alcohol, and a solution of liquid antacid/water, 1:1 ratio--this in a spray bottle, lots of gauze sponges or clean rags, stored in several small plastic bags) small tampons (good for nose bleeds) tongue depressors (for splinting) clean shirt in plastic bag (to change into if you get heavily gassed) Emergen-C (or other powdered electrolyte mix) Rescue Remedy (good for shock, trauma) tube of cake icing (or hard candy--good for raising blood sugar) aspirin, ibuprofen inhaler, epinephrine, benadryl (for those qualified to use them) gas mask or goggles paired with a respirator or bandanna to protect during chemical weapons deployment heavy-duty gloves if preparing to return police weapons to the line fresh clothes in plastic bag (in case yours get contaminated)
ACTION FASHION FAUX PAS Don't put vaseline, mineral oil, oil-based sunscreen or moisturizers on skin as they can trap chemicals. Don't wear contact lenses, which can trap irritating chemicals underneath. Don't wear things which can easily be grabbed (i.e.: dangly earrings or other jewelry, ties, loose hair) Don't go to the demo alone if you can help it. It is best to go with an affinity group, or some friends who know you well. Don't forget to sleep, eat, and drink lots of water. No matter how well rested and prepared you are and how tight your plan of action is with your affinity group, we can never really predict what will happen in an action, how the police will (over)react to the demonstration, no matter how peaceful you may be. Remember the message and the reason for action.