INTERACTIVE Samhain Sabbat with Bernard Alvarez
Have no one to do ritual with? Join me for this interactive Samhain Sabbat! Follow along yourself or with a group. We'll celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year, and the Witches New Year! The veil is thinnest this time of year giving ample opportunity to align and commune with the other dimensions. You can listen and watch the event OR you can easily participate with me. If you do plan to participate you'll want to have a few things on hand.
- A candle (to light the way for the ancestors.)
- A very small piece of paper with that which you are "leaving behind you" written on it. (A "bad attitude", an "illness", "old relationship", etc.)
- A small fireproof container to burn the paper. (Like an ashtray or ceramic bowl, your cauldron.)
- A memento or image of a loved one or ancestor who's passed on that you wish to commune with.
- A clear idea of that which you wish to manifest in the 'new year'. If you are participating.... have a fairly empty stomach (want the blood to flow to your brain, not your tummy), be sober ( being intoxicated can allow unwanted energies in), set up a small altar area you can work on. (decorate it for the season if you want.), if you can, make sure you won't be disturbed. This a wonderful time of year to let go of the old, commune with the ancestors and create positive intentions for the year ahead. For all those keeping track... The astronomical "cross-quarter" day between the Equinox and Solstice (15° Scorpio - Samhain) falls on November 7 at 5:25 GMT for the northern hemisphere [Beltane for the southern hemisphere.]. Have fun and Blessed be )O( One Love SUBSCRIBE for more consciousness videos: Please join me on Patreon: