May 1 is Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere and on that day we honor nature’s oldest love story. Beltane means bright fire, and in earth-based traditions, it represents the symbolic marriage of the God and Goddess and their eternal embrace.
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According to ancient lore, the two have been separated all winter long, and their glorious reunion on Beltane is celebrated with food, drink, and multi-colored maypoles to symbolize female energies wrapping themselves around the male form. The entire world comes alive with new life and bright colors to celebrate this union of the Divine Feminine with the Divine Masculine. This holiday is a celebration that honors the divine balance in the union of masculine and feminine. Having reached maturity after their long, wintry separation, Lord and Lady can now come together as one and give birth to new life, ideas, passions, projects, and wonderful expressions of unbridled sensuality.
TO PARTICIPATE from your home in the ceremony you will need a small candle (preferably a tea that will burn out quickly) and a fire safe container (cauldron or ashtray will suffice), a small piece of paper and something to write with.
TO PREPARE for the Spells (What we leave behind/release and that which we'll fertilize/bring forth)
RELEASE: Write a letter of all the negative, old struggles you are ready to release. Reflect on any patterns, habits or challenges that came up during the winter months.
BRING FORTH: It is probably a good idea to contemplate what are some things you'd like to bring into your life and see grow over the coming month's. (Remember the Rede...Harm none, do what you will.) During the LIVE ceremony we will: -Smudge -Grounding meditation -Cast circle/sphere/space - Call the elements -Invoke the Gods -Beltane Meditation -Spellwork. Make sure you won't be disturbed and allow time for you focus and concentrate/meditate. All music and stock video in the intro, meditation, and closing are royalty-free & non-attribution.