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Yule Interactive Sabbat 2019

Yule, the winter solstice, is a time of great symbolism and power. It marks the return of the sun, when the days finally begin to get a little longer.
For the Sabbat we will be creating sacred space, calling the elements, inviting the Mother Goddess and her consort, have meditation on the birth and growth of the Light the season ahead, celebrating the return of the Sun, and raise energy to release an intention of what aspect of our lives the Light can feed and nourish in the year ahead.
To prepare we suggest you take the time to do the following...
- Create your own sacred space where you will not be disturbed. Clear a space on your desk or your home. Light a candle and some incense.
- Before the ritual, contemplate an aspect of your life that has been on your mind over the last season that you are ready to shine a light on and nourish, some dormant seed within or goal you're ready to tackle.
- Take a small slip of paper (about 2 inches by 1/2 inch) and write down your personal aspect to grow.
- Have a small ashtray or fireproof ceramic bowl or vessel and fire source ready for when the time comes to burn the paper.
- Before the ceremony, don't fill your belly. If you're hungry, eat snack but remember not to eat a heavy meal.
- If you want and have a robe or magickal attire that will help you shift your consciousness feel free to put it on.
- Relax and have fun!

Yule Interactive Sabbat 2019
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